Wednesday, April 20, 2011

March For Preemie Babies!

It's that time of year, when we dig down into our wallets, put on our running shoes, and MARCH FOR PREEMIE BABIES!!  This march is near and dear to my heart, being a NICU nurse, but I'm sure we all have a connection with these fragile babies.  Visit the March for Babies website to search for walks in your area, or if you're in the Sacramento area come walk with me on April 30th at the California State Capitol!!  You can make donation via my website.  Thanks for you support!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Morning Jolt...

You know when you get a jolt of inspiration, and everything seems possible?  Well, I was at the receiving end of that jolt a few times today.  It all started when I visited A Creative Mint, only to discover she had a new blog design... fresh, airy, lovely.  I read her newest post to find out she teamed up with Jo Klima, from The Darling Tree, to create this new site.  I was struck by love when I looked through Jo's portfolio.  I tell you, I have never swooned so hard.  Her designs are so beautiful and soft, and capture everything wonderful about the site she's designing for.  How could I not contact her... still waiting for a response, but I'm still buzzing.

Gypsy Girl's Guide design by Jo

Boho Girl's design by Jo

The second person who rocked my world was Erin Darcy, who created Boho Girl's beautiful logo/header.  Ethereal and safe.  That's what I want the PeachHoneyPreemie logo to be... safe.  So, as you would expect, I contacted her as well.  I'll keep you posted.  Visit her shop here.

Painting and Photo by Erin Darcy

The third person to make my day was Michelle Staley, the creator of the Busy Breather's Oxygen Backpack.  I talked a little bit about her here, but my telephone conversation with her this morning was AMAZING!!  The high I got from talking to her could probably last me all year.  I'm always blown away by the generosity of others, and Michelle is oh so generous!!  And she's a NICU momma, too...  so we had a quite the connection.  I can't wait to really start working with her via Mommy Millionaire.  Check out her wonderful product here.

I'm so excited I could just pee!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Somethings gotta give...

Ok, guys... here's the deal.  The website design is coming along.  Coding my website has become a definite challenge... poor Tara has had her hands full with my endless questions.  If you follow me on Twitter, you have witnessed my difficulty.  Endless tweets on "How do I do..." "Why isn't this working?"... blah, blah, blah.  Thankfully, Tara and Danielle are incredibly helpful and patient. 

I'm going to contact my sewing contractor (in San Rafael) today to set up a date to meet and, hopefully, start production.  This is so surreal to me, but oh so exciting.  I'm also having a conference call with Michelle Staley, a mommy of a preemie, who created the Busy Breather's Oxygen backpack... seriously, check her out!!  She saw a void in the preemie market and filled it with this amazing product.  Sound familiar?  Well, I'm having a quick 20 min consultation with her to get as much info as I can (I'm writing down questions in between these blogging thoughts).  If I can be half as successful as she is I will count my myself extremely lucky.  

My diet is changing, which means more time grocery shopping, and definitely more time cooking.  Frequent trips to the farmer's market, coupon clipping (after watching the first episode of Extreme Couponing... ummm, hello?), and cooking lessons have become great bonding times between my husband and me.  Loving that.

My garden is flourishing, we're planting 16 more plants today, and a tree.  Guys, I was not built for manual labor, but I have a wonderful husband that doesn't mind doing the digging.   Gotta love that man.  I have to admit, the tan on my shoulders after a few hours of swingin' a shovel is a big bonus.  I did buy this little fashion statement a couple weeks ago (taken with my camera phone).

Everything comes with a price, and mine is less time to write.  I know I'm not the only one that has trouble balancing, but I feel guilty... so guilty.  Something has to give... and unfortunately, it has to be the blog for now.  There are so many aspects of the business that need to be figured out, and I just don't have time for everything.  Is anyone else feeling guilty about putting something on the back burner?  Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week18: Interview with Jenny Alexander

Please welcome Jenny Alexander to the blog today.  She is an indie artist, from Lancaster, PA, and is here to talk to us about the wonders of being a mommy, business woman, and creative superstar!!

How did you get started as an artist?  Did you always want to own your own business?

I always wanted to be an artist of some kind and but never even imagined that it might happen one day.  I've dabbled in photography from about age 9 or 10.  My dad was a professional photographer and I grew up shooting photos with him and with a darkroom in our basement that we used all the time.  It was where I really felt the need to create for the first time. I dreamed of being a professional art photographer for many years.

I really found my "place" in live performing venues.  It's strange because I was always very shy as a child but was able to be more bold onstage.  

In college, I met and teamed up with the man who, years later, would be my husband and we began a 10 year career as professional magicians.  We traveled all over the country performing for corporations and at private events and we finally put down roots in Las Vegas.  We headlined there together at Caesars Palace for about seven years and in other venues around the city until we were expecting our first child in 2004.

Once our son was born, I continued on in the show but it eventually became more difficult as he got a little older.  I joke that I retired but really I left the show to be able to stay home more with him.  I gave up the bright lights, celebrity encounters, huge crowds for the quiet joys of motherhood.  It's a choice that I never regretted, although I may make a return to the stage someday!  

It was during this time that I began dreaming of having a career that would allow me to be home, yet still express myself creatively and be successful.

And it was around the time that our second child was born (a little girl this time), that I began creating the technique that I use now.  I use vintage ephemera - old advertisements, antique wallpaper patterns, old sheet music, love letters, greeting cards and art papers.  I collage these together in what I call kaleidoscope collages.  I take a section of the original image and repeat it so that it mocks the look of a kaleidoscope.  The backgrounds are layered with additional vintage images.  It's an intricate look and process and one that I hope is unique and recognizable as my style. I hope that viewers can see a piece and know that it's mine just because of the feel and look.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration EVERYWHERE.  I keep a notebook in my car, keep notes on my phone, remember ideas in my head and try to write them down before I forget them!  I'm completely inspired by old things like antiques, vintage items, old photographs, old letters.  I feel like these things have held onto a piece of the energy from the person who owned them and I love to dream about what life must have been like for that person, at that time.  

I'm also very inspired by music.  When I hear a song that really moves me, I challenge myself to create a piece that mimics that feeling.  I try to create images that tell a story.. through the feel of the piece, the title, the colors and textures, the type of description that I give each one.  It's important to me to give the viewer something to emotionally grab a hold of when seeing the piece.  And I like to give my buyers a story to tell along with the piece to adorn their walls.

How do you balance being a mother, artist, and business woman?  What is your typical daily schedule?

Oh my.  Well, some days I don't balance it very well! With three small kids in the house, (they are all under 6!) things are sometimes a little unpredictable.  An added challenging element is that my husband is still a performing magician and he's often gone on cruise ships for a week or two at a time.  So, everything is on my shoulders during those times and, honestly, it's not easy.  I like to think that I handle things gracefully and everyone says that I do.  I hope they're not just being nice!

Mornings are pretty crazy getting my oldest two kids ready for school and on the bus.  I always make sure I have time for coffee and a quick email check.  I can usually address one or two quick emails first thing in the morning while the kids have breakfast.

My little one is almost 21 months old and, once the kids are on the bus, we have breakfast together and I can get some work done during Sesame Street.  Thank goodness for Elmo.  Really, really, really.

He plays in the studio while I work and that sometimes goes well, depending on his mood that day.  I'm sure all moms understand that some days kids just need more attention, are grumpy or just plain difficult.  My baby is generally so happy-go-lucky and I'm a lucky Mama that I can do everything that I do with him hanging out alongside me.

His naptime lasts about 3 hours and that's when I hit the work HARD. No stopping by twitter to check on everybody, no peeking at facebook for a quick chat.  If you follow me on any of those places, you'll notice that I disappear from all my normal social media hangouts in the afternoon!

During this time, I'm doing the actual work.  Getting orders "in process," packing up new orders for my daily trip to the post office, working out new ideas and techniques, answering business emails, working on my wholesale contacts and getting into the thickest part of my work day. It's hard to do all that I need to in those few hours and some days, I am literally running.  I save the "leftovers" of work for later on, after the kids are in bed.

Once the kids are home from the bus, it's all family time.  Dinner, homework, playing, reading, baths, snuggles, bedtime.  It's the best part of the day. Those quiet moments tucking them in and whispering in the dark, their faces lit only by their nightlights, reminds me why I work so hard.  It's so I can be home for every moment of their childhood, be their role model, be their best friend, be a great Mama and teach them to be good people making wise and loving choices in their lives.

And I'm proud that my kids see me doing what I love, balancing a pretty tough schedule and making it work.  They see me trying new things every day, sometimes failing but getting up and moving on.  I hope that they learn from me to be passionate and be flexible.  It's what has gotten me where I am right now.

What advice can you give to beginning Etsy sellers?

First off, be patient.  Chances are, this isn't going to happen overnight for you. It certainly didn't for me. Etsy is a huge community with so many sellers and buyers.  Make it as easy as you can to be seen.  Take great photos with some personality.  If I see a product, I'd love to know right away that it was yours, just from the feel of the photo.

Another great tip that I have I usually save for good friends but, we're all good friends here, right?  My biggest break so far was being in an Etsy Finds email.  It was last year and was themed around the movie Eat, Pray, Love.  I actually contacted Etsy about curating a find based on this myself but it was already in the works with an Etsy administrator as curator.  I was excited to be included in the Finds a few weeks later!  I got a ton of sales, contacts, hearts and wholesale contracts. So many eyes saw my shop that week and I'm still riding the wave that it started.

So, here's the nugget of advice... Study what's big in pop culture and tag your items using those things.  Movies, pop culture icons, upcoming holidays (even random ones).  Think like an Etsy admin.  What hip and unique thing could they possibly have their eyes on that might fit with something you make?  Don't stretch it too far and try to draw a ridiculous line between the two things but pick some keywords or phrases and put them in your tags or descriptions as it fits.  My item was black and white henna designs on stone coasters.  They were rustic and warm and I tagged them with "India" and "Eat, Pray, Love."  It was an easy match for Etsy with a nice, clean photo. It made a huge boost in my business and I hope it might do the same for you!

Can you give 5 things that have kept your business successful?

Innovation - All of my collage work is square and I am constantly looking for ways to use those square images... throw pillows, candle holders, magnets, coasters.  Everything I do is pretty much square so it's an easy mold to fill when looking for new ways to use my images. Having new items keeps me interested and hopefully keeps my shop new and fresh for those die hard customers.  Plus, I only make things that I personally love.  That way, even if the new idea doesn't fly, I can keep them for myself!

Flexibility - Whether it be with your daily schedule, fitting in your passion around a full time job or family, flexibility is the key to evolving.  When I feel stuck on an idea and just can't find my way through it, I relax and try to work around the issue, instead of forcing a solution that might not be perfect.  I try not to be too hard on myself and to roll with the punches.  I also do a number of art shows throughout the year and flexibility is a MUST for those!

Face time - Speaking of doing live shows, I think that's so important.  You've got to get out there to see what people are really drawn to.  I have been able to focus my style and product lines so much more easily by doing art/craft shows.  You get to meet your customer and see what they want, see what questions they ask and work on your presentation.  Having this presentation or "elevator pitch" helps you to succinctly express exactly what it is that you do.  This comes in handy in so many situations!  

Down time - Take a break!  As creative, small business owners, we are constantly thinking, creating, networking and DOING.  It's exhausting and I often don't realize it until it's too late and I'm overwhelmed.  So, try along with me to remember to just *stop* a few times during the day.  If I'm not physically working, I'm thinking, planning, conceiving new ideas.  But I've got to take a break, especially in my head!  Even if it's just sitting down with a cup of coffee and watching some Elmo with my baby and having a giggle.  It's just the small break that I need.

Confidence - One thing that I've learned by tackling all of this on my own, is that I can do anything.  If I can run a household, raise three kids, build a business and not go crazy, then I can do ANYTHING. And so can you!  We've all got a ton on our plates while growing businesses, following our dreams and loving those around us.  With good time management, loving support from our families and the energy that momentum brings, we are really unstoppable.  Go for it and share your gifts! 

Do you have any projects you want to promote?

I'm currently preparing for my three big East Coast Spring shows and that's keeping me really busy.  I'll be at Crafty Balboa's April Showers show in Philly, April 30th.  

I'm excited to be a new vendor at the highly coveted Art Star Craft Bazaar in Phildaelphia May 14-15th.  It's at the beautiful Penn's Landing and hosts tons of super cool, artsy and innovative vendors.  I'm over the moon to be showing there alongside several Team Handmade in PA sellers.

And I'll be returning to Silver Spring, MD for one of my favorite spring shows, Handmade Mart on May 22nd.  It's such a great show, with fabulous crowds of handmade lovin' folks that really appreciate my style and my work.  It'll be a great way to round out my spring line up.  

If you're on the East coast, please stop by and say hello!  I guarantee these shows will be fabulous!

And, my work is always available online at my Etsy shop.  I'm always working out new ideas, new product lines and one of a kind or short run goodies.  Drop me a line and say hello!  I love hearing from new Etsy sellers and buyers!

All artwork and pictures courtesy of the talented Jenny.  Thank you so much, Jenny, for taking the time to answer some questions.  You are a true inspiration to all of the busy moms, wondering if they can have it all.  What a beautiful life you have.  Wishing you lots of love and success!  THANK YOU!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm being featured here...

Are you curious about how I got started as an artist, my family life, and where the name PeachHoneyLove came from?  Well, you're in luck because the wonderful Suzanne Redmond is interviewing me today over here!  Please check it out and show her some love!

Monday, April 11, 2011

This is proof!!

This is proof my green thumb efforts did not go unnoticed, despite the voles' master plan to ruin my life.

My husband and I were taking full advantage of the beautiful 66 degree weather today by protecting our future veggie babies from another vole invasion.  We decided to empty our raised beds and place a hefty sheet of hardware mesh at the bottom… those voles don't have a chance.  

The first bed was a cinch… no plants, no problem.  I had a couple asparagus plants in the other… ummm… problem.  I must have done something right last season, because one short year transformed a tiny asparagus plant into this gorgeous fern bush with pencil-thick roots.  It took me over an hour to dig out this, obviously established, beauty, but we did it!!

Are you working in the garden this week?

Week 17: Recent Failure

Photo Credit

I'm on such a positive high, but there are two sides to every coin, so let's talk about failures.  We all have them...  difficult days, tasks we don't complete.  It's human to encounter failures, and the best way to deal with them is to accept them, attempt to try again, or sometimes just move on.
1.  I have let some negative comments get to me, and there are a couple that got me questioning my worth.  It sickens me that some random person, who doesn't even know me, could affect me this way, but I'm human and mean words hurt.  Did you know there are people on YouTube whose sole purpose is to scour the web, looking for videos to leave negative comments on?  There is!  I sat and pondered how their lives play out in their head, as if I should be dedicating any time worrying about scum.  The sense of superiority and entitlement they must feel, deciding what should and should not be on the web.  Whatever... moving on.
2.  I haven't painted in quite some time.  I miss it, I really do, but the preemie clothing line, and brand building has been priority number one.  My hope is that sometime soon, after the website is built and my social networking schedule is laid out, I can spend some time in the studio... instead of behind a computer.  I where many hats, and my business bonnet is the one I have on now. 
3.  My studio is still not organized... after a year.  Like I said before, I've been busy.  *sigh*
4. My Eat Clean diet has been MIA, and I feel like crap.  I don't know why I do this to myself.  That chinese take-out was delicious, but I was regretting it the next three days when the salty bloat arrived.  Ok, too much information.  Moving on.
I think that's it for now... but we never know what tomorrow will bring.  What have you been procrastinating with lately?  Any failures you want to get off your chest?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Haul: Michaels

A quick trip to Michaels made my day!  Check out all the great Golden products I scored!

Links for this video

This video was not sponsored by any brands mentioned.  If you ever have any questions about the products I use, or talk about, please don't hesitate to email me. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to be the first to view my videos (they usually are posted on the channel a couple days before the blog post is published). Thanks for watching!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Encaustic love…

Artwork and Photo by Bridgette

Just because I'm so obsessed with encaustic paintings nowadays… check out this post on images + wax. And because I can't help myself, here are some more pieces to drool over.

All Roads Lead to Forever by Michelle Belto
Encaustic, Tar, Torch on Handmade Paper

Antique Garden by Michelle Belto
Torch, Tar, Beeswax, Damar, Cotton, Abaca on Artist Made Cast Paper
18" x 18"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Judy Wise

I don't care what the rest of the painting looks like, even though the finished painting is stunning.  I'm so blown away by the pieces Judy Wise creates.  I stared at these pictures for a half hour, studying every nook and cranny of the textured surface.  It looks like caramel dripped over white icing.  Oh, Lord, why do I need to turn everything into a food reference? I NEED to know how she created this!

Artwork and Photo by Judy

Artwork and Photo by Judy

Who inspires you?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rainbow Blooms...

This weekend was everything I love about spring.  Eating at the resort, aka my parent's backyard, multiple trips to Home Depot, and oogling over the colorful plants at Green Acres Nursery.  Love.  Hank was, of course, delighted he was able to lay in the sun all day, and I was pretty pleased myself.  The sun is like therapy to me... it's just what I need to get rid of the anxious thoughts rolling around in my head.  I can just breathe and focus on the cool breeze hitting my face.

I took a trip to the farmer's markets.  The sun was shining, Thank the Lord, and the air was warm.  I was dying for this day.  It's the beginning of fresh fruit season, so there isn't a whole lot in season right now.  I didn't get much, but I did stumble upon this bouquet of rainbow hapiness.  Oh boy, you belong on my table.

I love Ranunculus!!  The delicate petals are endless.  The sunniness doesn't stop.  If I could find a bunch of white ranunculus, my life would be complete!!

What did you do this weekend?

Week 16: A Recent Success

Photo Credit

There are many points along my journey I would consider successes.  By the way, it's ok to be happy for ourselves.  We celebrate each other, so let's give ourselves some props.  We deserve it!  I talked about enjoying the little things in this post, but let me reiterate we have to celebrate the small steps we reach along our road to greatness.  Every little step counts… EVERY ONE.

Our life is made up of many successes, so why focus on one.  Here are a few of the things I'm proud of…

1. I'm figuring out how to build and maintain my own website.  This is HUGE!!  I'm not a technical person, and often have to turn to Brandi and Laura for help.  I'm putting on my big girl britches, and taking it on myself.

2. I haven't had another breakdown, since this one.  I set a schedule for myself, and I'm making it work.  The schedule isn't set in stone.. it's adaptable to the craziness that is my life.  We have to be willing to bend to life's will because there will be days when we can't stand to do anything, but sleep.  So sleep, tomorrow is another day.

3. I'm making tremendous headway with the Preemie clothing line.  There are times we get excited about little opportunities that cross our paths, and when the high starts to fade, so does the project.  The preemie line is NOT the case.  My heart and soul is in this project, and it's going to be incredible!!

4. My backyard is finally getting a facelift.  The weeds are being pulled as I type, we planted 11 plants this weekend, and have plans next weekend to start laying down bark.  Now I need a chaise lounge to enjoy my hard work.

What are you proud of?


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