Monday, February 7, 2011

Taking a breath...

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My heart is heavy, my mind is full of worries.  I'm crying too much, sleeping too little, and feeling very disconnected.  My back is a wreck, and I've been fighting a cold for the past two weeks.  I need to take care of myself... mind and body.  Why do we feel like failures when we can't do it all?  Like if we stop for a second, to take a deep breath, we are giving up.  I'm human, I know, and I'm in dire need of a break... so I'm taking one.

I will return Valentine's day, with a clearer mind and a healthier body.


Brandi Hussey said...

Oh, my friend...

I'm not sure what the circumstances are here, but this sounds familiar to me. You are not a failure for taking a break and no one can do it all. You need to take care of yourself first! I've been there before, and it's not a fun place. If you need to talk, I'm here, okay?

Jess said...

Thanks so much... it's just been a lot of things. Work, home, health... I could go on and on. I just need a break. I always feel like I need to do everything right now, and I just couldn't anymore. I need to seriously look at my schedule and make some changes. Thanks for the support!!

Sonya McCllough Lockridge said...

I spoke to a graphic designer today about getting some help, I'm a graphic designer ... my family ask WHY ... would I hire a GD of all things. And the answer is because I can not do it all ... i've tried & it does not work.
Jess ... your day job is life ... don't forget to ask for help ... when you need it.

Laura Catherine O said...

Jess, sending hugs your way! You are an amazing woman and deserve lots of R & R! Take all the time that you need. Life it too short!

Jess said...

Thanks ladies!! I needed a long-distance hug... I needed a vacation.

Suzanne said...

Oh my. I'm looking at this older post, and I have to quickly get off and look at your later ones and see that you're okay! I hope you are. I think your blog is always so uplifting. I'm sorry you were in a funk.


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