Thursday, June 17, 2010

Inspired by Kelly Rae...

I’ve been so overwhelmed with wedding plans and backyard woes that I’ve slowly felt my creative side withering… and I told myself ENOUGH!! During our Pre-Cana class this past weekend, Joseph and I had an opportunity to talk to each other about our hopes and dreams (beyond the hope of a healthy family with beautiful children… a given as far as Joseph and I are concerned). Joseph wanted to put a little more focus towards his golf game, and I wanted to concentrate on my art career… TODAY IS THE DAY!!! (hence the sudden dedication to the blog… NO MORE EXCUSES JESS!!!) I told myself there would always be a reason to not focus on my dreams, and I would always regret it if I didn’t put 100% into my happiness… it’s worth it, right? Joseph has been telling me he wishes I would paint more… that Joseph, he’s such a love…

Armed with dedication and focus, I got on the internet and visited my favorite creative chickies for an additional artistic boost… SuziBlu, Donna Downey, Ali E, and my girl, Kelly Rae. Kelly was in the midst of her “eclass,” “Flying lessons: Tips and Tricks to Help Your Creative Business Soar”… I WAS AT FULL ATTENTION!!! I immediately signed up for the class and a familiar nervous pain shot up my spine… I’m sure I’m not the only insecure mess in the art world, but it seems to completely cripple me when it rears its ugly head. That little devil on my shoulder whispers “You’re not an artist,” “You could never be a successful businesswoman”, and the popular “You can’t make a living creating.” That damn devil always ruins whatever confidence I have mustered up… Well, little guy, IT’S ENOUGH!! I’M AN ARTIST AND I CAN DO ANYTHING I PUT MY MIND TO!!! SO SHUT UP IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY!!!

I woke up the next morning feeling revived and positive!!! It’s time for a new day…


Valerie Hart said...

Yes, Jess, that is what I have to say to my "inner critic" all of the time. Your not alone! Just begin no matter where you are and the path with unfold before you... Good for you for being a "brave girl" as Kelly Rae says. Love & blessings, xoxo Valerie

Jess said...

Thanks so much!!! Brave Girls Unite!!! :)


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