Ok, so I’ve been neglecting my blog… It’s been insanely busy at work, and since I now have the mortgage monkey on my back… duty calls. Averaging 60 hours a week I’m sure has taken a couple years off my life, but my down payment is just about covered, and then it’s on to the furniture. Yes, I’m a workaholic… thanks mom!!! I feel like I’m neglecting the apartment, but more importantly I’m neglecting my Joseph… sorry, my love… I hate coming home to find him asleep, and I’m sure he’s not happy about spending every evening by himself, or kissing me goodbye at 6 in the morning, when I’m barely alive. These are the sacrifices we make for adulthood… well, I hate it!!! I miss my days off, cuddling with Joseph while we watch trashy television, and I miss our nightly massages…. ahhh… those were the good ‘ol days, when life was simple, and I only had to furnish 800 square feet. But here I am on day 6 of a 12 day stretch at work, and just as money hungry as ever… damn the man!!!
My garden is moving along… I’ve eaten two beefsteak tomatoes (delicious!!), the Purple Cherokee’s are setting fruit, and the Schefflera clippling I stole from my mother has successfully set its roots and is now growing babies… YAY FOR ME!!!
Our house is still being built... Joseph and I visit every couple weeks and take pictures… here’s what it looks like as of a week ago… Do you notice something new in the front window… yes, it’s the SOLD sign. Yep, it’s all ours.
We had our family’s 2nd annual pool party at my parents last weekend and it was a huge success thanks to 6 different kinds of beer, an electric wine bottle opener, and the Margarita Machine... No, it wasn’t all about the alcohol. Did I mention Joseph and I kicked some serious butt in volleyball (you too, Dave)… yes, Dad, you can have a rematch next year… better bring your “A” game, or do the smart thing and switch teams...
Dad, Joseph, and Me
Cora, Stu, and Trish
Me and Joseph... Damn, I love this man...